Did you want to hide view status in FM Whatsapp? People often share data in the form of pictures and videos on their WhatsApp statuses that are visible to their chosen contacts. When someone uploads something on WhatsApp status, they immediately come to know when someone from their contacts sees their status.
If you want to see the status of people without letting them know, FM Whatsapp has a feature to Hide their status. You can enable the Hide View Status in FM Whatsapp order to watch the status of someone secretly. This article of mine will help you understand the concept and the process of utilizing this feature smoothly.
It is a cakewalk to enable the hide View Status in FM Whatsapp. First, it is vital to understand the notion of view status. When we upload the status, it is visible to our contacts, and we can see how many people have visited our status. It is vice versa with other users who upload some status.
Hide View Status in FM Whatsapp
View Status means if I have seen the status of someone, it will be shown to the uploader that I have seen their status. Hide view status is an option that allows you to hide your identity when you have seen someone’s status. The processes are given below if you desire to hide the view status.
Steps to enable the option
Following are chronological steps to enable the option of hiding the status view. If you want to avoid facing problems while performing this action, carefully read all the steps and serve them accordingly.
- Open the FM Whatsapp app.
- Find the FM Mods Option from the settings of the app.
- There are two ways to find FM mods, and you can find them from a floating action bar; another way to find them is to access them through three dots from the top left corner of the app.
- In FM Mods, you will see many options related to app settings. You have to choose “Privacy and Security.”
- From here, you have to search out the heading of the status option.
- There will be two options, i.e., hide view status and anti-delete status.
- Enable the Hide view status option; it will turn into a sea green color.
Now, people will not know that you have seen their status.
Turn off the Option of hiding Status-View
Turning off the hide status view option means that people will come to know when you see their status. It is vice versa for the hide view status option. Following are the easy steps to disable the view status option or turn off the view status option.
Steps to unhide view status
- Launch FM WhatsApp apk
- Catch out the FM mods option from Fab or Three Dots.
- Press the Privacy and Security Option.
- From a list of options, find out the status view option
- Turn off the status view option to unhide the view status.
- The icon in front of the hide view status option will turn White from sea green.
If you’re FM Whatsapp users then you can also download your status by following few steps. Must read these unbelievable methods to download FM Whatsapp status.
Frequently Asked Questions
Final Thoughts
In this article, I have thrown light on the concept and process of enabling and utilizing the hide view status in FM WhatsApp. Now, you can utilize the option without facing any issues. This feature will help you to enjoy WhatsApp statuses behind the scenes.
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Imrankhan 🇦🇪